This post is a review of the SeedingUp platform, that could help any beginner wondering how to monetize a blog.
When our website is finally up and running, has a certain number of visits (traffic) and is constantly updated with content, a very important question arises for anyone who has ever committed to making his space on the web attractive and visible: how to monetize it? That is, how can I make money with my blog?
The methods are different and here are some:
- online advertising (eg Google AdSence);
- affiliate programs, available depending on the market niche that your blog or website represents;
- buying and selling content and text links.
As for the last option, the best solution is to rely on an expert, such as the SeedingUp platform.
What is SeedingUp?

SeedingUp is an advertising agency, based in Germany, and is Europe’s leading provider of Content Marketing on blogs and news editorial sites, content creation and marketing. SeedingUp is the blog marketing platform that allows you to sell various types of content to companies interested in gaining visibility on your site or blog.
SeedingUp has been present on the online market for a long time, first known as Teliad, but recently it has been able to keep up with the times, developing the platform and extending it: first it dealt only with link building, then backlink sales, today this practice is still widespread but in online marketing it is essential to give importance also to complex content such as sponsored articles.
The platform is available in English, Italian, German, French and Spanish.
How to monetize a blog with Seeding up?

For those who dedicate so much time and passion to their blog, making money from it is a very important chapter, and below you will find some interesting ideas that will help you take advantage of your visibility on the web.
Thanks to SeedingUp you can sell links in every section of your site, and in addition, through the platform you can sell content as blog posts, or specifically dedicated articles containing text, videos, images, infographics and much more.
Through SeedingUp it is also possible to market Facebook pages, Twitter feeds or Youtube channels (Social Seeding).
This is the complete list of earning opportunities offered by the SeedingUp platform:
#1 Blog post – articles written by publishers based on advertiser recommendations. They will be transmitted as part of the booking request. The article can contain up to 5 back links per booking. Bloggers often allow uploading image and / or video files that are integrated into the article. In practice you are asked to publish an article on your blog, containing links, images and / or videos of the advertiser.
#2 Advertorials – articles written by the advertiser that are published on the publisher’s thematically relevant blog. All the contents, therefore the texts and eventually the images and videos, are predefined by the advertiser and taken back by the publisher.
#3 Video marketing – booked by advertisers, who have their brand message in the form of funny videos. The video is usually hosted by an external provider or by the advertiser himself and published by the publisher as a blog article.
#4 The Infographic, which explains a complex state of affairs clearly. For this reason, it is willingly shared and disseminated. Infographics can represent messages related to the brand.
#5 Press releases – suitable for the dissemination of product news and company news that are published as text. The text of the article is completely pre-established by the advertiser.
#6 Digital news – articles that are published in online editions of newspapers, magazines and other high-level services in the media sector. These have a particularly wide reach and, consequently, a particularly good connection in social networks.
#7 Social Seeding in social networks Facebook and Twitter – this is intended to increase the reach of any website with a short post, which will be published on your social channel. The post contains the destination URL specified by the advertiser and hashtag if desired. The post firstly reaches the followers of your social profiles in order to avoid dispersion in the case of thematically relevant bookings. Secondly, the interesting and informative content will be shared in social networks quickly, so you can use Social Seeding as a click for a viral online marketing campaign.
It is also possible to make money with your YouTube account, or by inserting an advertiser backlink (inside blog posts, right column, left column or at the bottom of the page). In the latter case, you are paid monthly – it is like renting a small space on your website.
Directly from your dashboard you can download a detailed guide in pdf, which will explain how the platform works. If you have any questions, you can also contact customer support by e-mail or by phone. You will find all the necessary information within your account.
How does the SeedingUP platform work?
The Registration for publishers (bloggers who want to make money with their blog) is free and without obligation. After registration you have full access to the control panel.
The platform is designed to best meet demand and supply: publishers, after registering, can insert the various types of offers. The price of the offers can be freely set within a range that is automatically provided by SeedingUp, after having analyzed the determining factors in the elaboration of the right price for the sale of contents (such as how old is the website, its Google rankings, the number of followers on social media etc.).
The offers are anonymous: they contain the description and the topic of the blog in question, without a direct link to the domain and web space. Who wants to buy items, links or other services has to access to the control panel and set the price he or she is willing to spend and the required features: in this way supply and demand will meet perfectly.
The steps to follow are:
- Enter offers through your free membership account.
- Receive a request to book the offer (it is possible after a couple of days, you can also receive a refusal). This is an example of a booking, that I received for the Facebook page of my health & wellness website in Italian. All I had to do is publish a link post, which was inherent to my niche blog.

- Process the booking request (for example by publishing the requested article or link).
- Receive compensation through secure payments: the minimum payment amount on SeedingUP is 4 euros and you can choose between PayPal, Skrill or bank transfer.

SeedingUp is a platform that can offer significant earning potential, but it is important to have a website and social media profiles that are well established. Otherwise you risk having to wait too long for a booking.
Another advice I would like to give is not to “inflate” the asking price too much. It is possible to use their online calculator to define a price range, but it is always better to keep to the lower price.
Another opportunity to earn money on SeedingUp is affiliate marketing. You can promote the platform and get 8% from the earnings of the people you invite to sign up (referrals). Not bad, right?
If after reading this SeedingUp review, you think this platform can do for you and can help you monetize your blog, click now on the button below to register for free and see it by yourself.