Over the recent years, the labour market has undergone numerous changes. It is in a state of continuous evolution, as many professions disappear and new professions are born. Many people are forced to “reinvent” themselves and to re-adapt to the new realities. Most of these people decide to choose the web in order to search for a professional outlet. But how to succeed on the internet and start making money online?
It is true that the web is an invaluable resource. The Internet offers an unimaginable potential for development and so many income opportunities, but very often it is easier said than done. Many people despite all the hard work don’t get the results they want and decide to abandon the idea to start a business on the Internet and make money online.
Wrong move! Because it’s enough to follow these simple rules to increase your chances of success.
Here are some fundamental rules that will help you succeed and make a profit on the web:
#1 – Be well-informed and prepared before starting anything.
Never begin a journey on the Internet without having done the necessary research and without having learned the basics of web marketing. If you have a hobby that you love (whether it is photography, fashion or writing) is not enough to be a great photographer and a talented designer to succeed online, you have to have the right knowledge in order to be able to move on the Internet.
The web is a jungle and our mere presence is not enough to get noticed, we have to do something so people can see us or start looking for us.
It is important to know the basics of web marketing to shorten the path to success.
The best choice to begin with is to create a personal blog. There are many platforms online that allow you to build a blog for free. In any case if you are a beginner it is important to be guided step-by-step.
In this case I would recommend to rely on Wealthy Affiliate. This is the only online training platform that offers a FREE initial training course and the opportunity to build two blogs with free hosting. They also offer hundreds of free tutorials, tips and valuable information for anyone looking to succeed online.
You can read the full review of the Wealthy Affiliate platform ==> HERE.
There are also other platforms that offer many online free or good-priced courses, that will teach you how to build and monetize a blog. One great example is Udemy – an online teaching and learning marketplace with over 100.000 courses and 24 million students. All you have to do is sign up and choose your category or type the area of your interest in the search bar.

The only disadvantage of this platform is that you have to choose the courses by yourself. You will not be guided step-by-step through the whole process of building a business online, like at Wealthy Affiliate.
#2 – Serious Attitude.
Being able to earn money online out of doing what you love is certainly very tempting. You are free to decide how much time to devote to your work online and the only person you have to be accountable for the results is yourself.
But it is still a job, a REAL JOB.
The effort that you put in must be important if you want to be able to have positive results. Never believe anyone who tells you that it’s easy and never trust anyone who promise you instant profits with little effort.
I know how easy it is to fall into the trap set by those who advertise ways to make money rapidly, often in exchange for an initial investment.
I want to share with you what I learnt first-hand: if it is “easy and fast” it is a scam for sure. From this point of view, the web is not that different from real life.
It is impossible to make money without putting in any effort. And, sometimes, it is necessary to make even a small investment, which may be helpful either for studying, or to gain access to services necessary for creating high-quality blogs, for doing e-mail marketing, for creating an e-commerce or an advertising campaign etc.
If you choose to take this path, be prepared to devote much of your time (especially in the beginning) and lots of hard work.
#3 – Never give up!
The exclamation point indicates that this is perhaps the most important rule to follow if you want to be able to succeed and make money online.
When you are not properly ready before you do something, you are more likely to make mistakes and to fail to achieve the desired results. But in any case, we mustn’t surrender. With the right attitude and the right knowledge anyone can do it. That’s the beauty of the web! (See Rule #1.)
I remember when I was at the beginning, I struggled with my desire to start making money as soon as possible. Since I was in a hurry, I made wrong decisions, that caused me to waste a lot of time and shifted me away from my goals. This is the reason why I want to reiterate how important it is for you to be walked through in order to better understand the rules of this game!
Since it may happen to make mistakes, you don’t have to give up immediately. Samuel Beckett said:
“All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
All the best successful stories have two things in common: persistence and refusal to give up.
#4 – Do not expect quick cash.
Many people think that once you have created a blog or a profile on one or few of the various social networks you immediately start earning.
This is not true.
It takes effort and time to make yourself known, to build a reliable image (brand) and to convince a certain number of people to follow you.
The internet users rely on people who create quality content, who have righteous arguments, and up-to-date blogs and profiles.
The stronger the commitment, the better the quality and the performance of your audience.
#5 – Follow Your Dreams!
This is another basic rule.
Always keep in your mind the main goal of this journey, and when you feel you don’t have the right motivation, you may look for inspiration in all the success stories out there or in the books written by the accomplished international business and success gurus and coaches, like Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles, Robert Hollis, Jeff Keller, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins ecc.
Here are some recommended reads:
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles

Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life! , by Jeff Keller

It’s Not About the Money, by Bob Proctor

Believe It to Achieve It: Overcome Your Doubts, Let Go of the Past, and Unlock Your Full Potential, by Brian Tracy

MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, by Anthony Robbins

Feel inspired by your dreams, always envision yourself happy and free to live your life to the fullest. Choose your path, invest a lot of passion, and you will see that success will not be slow in coming!

Thank you for reading and if you find this article useful, please comment below and share it so other people can benefit from it as well!
Nice article! Such good information. Especially on the mindset that making money online isn’t a get rich quick scheme. The thing I also love about online marketing is that it helps you get over your fear of rejection. Thanks for the post!
Thank you, Jonathan! You’re right about online marketing, I think it also gives you the right confidence to pursue your dreams, that would otherwise be impossible in an offline world.
You are so right on rule number 1 especially now when there are so many scams online. WA is indeed a good recommendation specially for beginners. The material is easy to understand and you’ll receive support from the community. Thanks for sharing this.
You are welcome, Dira, and thank you so much for reading. I’d be happy if this post helps at least one person to avoid scams and to waste time and money on empty promises.
Very encouraging. And very realistic. I tend to get discourage and give up when things don’t go like I expect. I appreciate you helping set proper expectations. I am new with WA and the reason I started was because I was scouring the Internet and kept seeing so many people like you who are such an inspiration. Everyone said nothing but good about WA. So, I had to try. So far I’m glad I did. Thanks again.
I really appreciate your support, Jim! It’s true, most of us tend to get discouraged when things don’t go like we expect them to go. It is important to be fully aware of the decisions we make and of the fact that it takes time to achieve our goals. But above all, it is a matter of believing in yourself and in your own choices.
I totally agree with you Marina! Never giving up is indeed one of the top priorities when you want to succeed. Even if you do give up and start whatever you’re trying to do again, you are still very far behind than what you would have been if you just kept going. And of course, following your dreams is definitely an essential rule to follow as well. Actually, I like all of them.
Thanks for this great post.
Thank you so much, Brandon! We often underestimate the power of believing in dreams. The stronger our belief, the greater will be the probabilities to become successful.
Great article Marina. I’ll post it on my Facebook page.
Thank you, John! 🙂
Nice Articles , Here I am a new So I want to learn Blogging, Marketing etc.
Hi Ignatius, thanks for stopping by and for leaving your feedback here. I really appreciate it. If you are a newbie, then make sure to request access to my free guide on how to start making money online. If you need more help to get started then click the “Start Here” tab in the top menu. Do you have any blogging or marketing experience?